Backbones, Meds, & Continuance: Hope in 2022
Another year, another theme come and gone. As I wrote about in April, my theme this year was Hope. So here at the end of 2022 are three more things I’ve learned about hope: Hope has a stronger backbone than I thought. When I started this year, I thought of hope as a lightweight, something fanciful, built on a cloud of optimism and just as sturdy. I chose it as a theme because I needed light, any light I could find. But I’ve come to see hope as more robust, as something that allows you to move forward rather than sink into despair or apathy. Hope can give you legs to stand on, a tenacity to continue even when you don’t know the outcome. I love this description of hope that I found (via LDS Christian scholar Melissa Inouye) in a speech by Chieko Okazaki , a former leader in my church: “I think of hope as a modest but very tough everyday virtue, an ordinary but resilient virtue that is both gentle and beautiful. It is an unassuming but powerful force for good that will greatly...